Sunday, February 14, 2010

love is pain

the pain kill me every time i remember u
i know i have to let u go but i can't
u r far away today
with someone else....
enjoying your valentine's day
or enjoying ur 'ususal sunday roamings'.
all i can do is to cry here helplessly
i hate myself to think how weak i am
how much i am depended on u
and u dot even know my existence.
i miss the warmth of ur hugs....
the softness of ur kiss....
those moments wid u
which haunt me evryday.
words are too less to say how much it pains
to see u in someone's arm,
to see u moving someone's hair strands,
to see u smiling and holding hands ,
i wish so much it had been me.
its time i must let u go,
let u go out of my mind....... out of my heart
i dont know why cant i leave u
even after what damage u did to me
even after knowing u never loved me
but only used me... i hate so much to admit it.
its time for me to move on
but i am so weak...... so weak...

1 comment:

  1. wish i cud reduce ur pain by one percent at least.... but i m neither a good daughter, nor a good frnd...
