Monday, February 22, 2010

my heart wonders.....

My heart is wondering.
Wondering if you ever think of those days,
when we smiled, loved and lived together.
I think of them.
Wondering if you remember the first time you kissed me,
the moment we fell in love, the first time you said "I love you".
I remember.
Wondering if you think of me,
our love, wondering if you forgot how good it felt.
I miss you.
Maybe someday my heart will stop wondering, but until then,
I'll never fall in love again like that.
I know it's been years, but I still love you.
Always have, always will.
You told me you loved me
Though I never knew
That when u said love
You meant lust
When i realized that lust
I begun to cry
Though you said it wasnt your fault
if i thought our "close friendship" o be love,
becoz to you it was all infatuation
but how can i help from falling in love wid you
So I curled up in a little ball
In the corner of the hallways
I waited for you to say you are sorry
I though knew you wont
Cause i used to have a fairy tale
Though it has turned into a dream and
That dream became the nightmare
but no matter i will always love you....

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